ESMValTool provides a reliable interface to analyse and evaluate climate data
A large collection of recipes and diagnostic scripts is already available
ESMValTool is built and maintained by an active community of scientists and developers
Quickstart guide
The purpose of the quickstart guide is to enable a user of ESMValTool to run ESMValTool as quickly as possible without having to go through the whole tutorial
Use the module load command to load the ESMValTool environment, see the [Installation][lesson-installation] episode for more details and use esmvaltool --help to check the ESMValTool environment
Use esmvaltool config get_config_user to create the ESMValTool user configuration file
Use esmvaltool run <recipe>.yml to run a recipe
The config-user.yml tells ESMValTool where to find input data.
output_dir defines the destination directory.
rootpath defines the root path of the data.
drs defines the directory structure of the data.
Running your first recipe
ESMValTool recipes work ‘out of the box’ (if input data is available)
There are strong links between the recipe, log file, and output folders
Recipes can easily be modified to re-use existing code for your own use case
Conclusion of the basic tutorial
Writing your own recipe
A recipe can work with different preprocessors at the same time.
The setting additional_datasets can be used to add a different dataset.
Variable groups are useful for defining different settings for different variables.
Multiple ensemble members and experiments can be analysed in a single recipe through concatenation.
Development and contribution
A development installation is needed if you want to incorporate your code into ESMValTool.
Contributions include adding a new or improved script or helping with a review process.
There are several tools to help improve the quality of your code.
It is possible to run tests on your machine.
You can preview documentation pages locally.
Writing your own diagnostic script
ESMValTool provides helper functions to interface a Python diagnostic script with preprocessor output.
Existing diagnostics can be used as templates and modified to write new diagnostics.
Helper functions can be imported from esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared and used in your own diagnostic script.
CMORization: adding new datasets to ESMValTool
CMORizers are dataset-specific scripts that can be run once to generate CMOR-compliant data.
ESMValTool comes with a set of CMORizers readily available, but you can also add your own.